praedicare engine.

Integrates Physical Laboratory Models, Their Digital Twins, Mathematical Models,And Clinical Trial Data. The Praedicare Engine has replaced animal models and statistical approaches in drug development.

Our multi-step process combines wet lab systems, mathematical models, clinical trial data, and AI algorithms to accelerate drug development, reduce costs, and improve patient safety. We deliver 94% clinical trial forecasting accuracy, compared to 3–11% for traditional animal models.

How it Works

Physical models, digital twins, and AI work together to radically transform drug development.

Step- by Step Process

Lab data, simulations, and AI predictions integrate to accelerate the process and reduce cost.

Real-world Applications

Successful AI-powered drug developments: 20 clients, including FDA/EMA approvals.

Praedicare ?

Reduce Drug Development
up to 90%

Our Systems of Systems engine drastically reduces the financial barriers to bringing new treatments to market. We make drug development 20x cheaper than traditional methods.

Accelerate Drug Development from
Bench to Clinic
by 2-3 times

Praedicare's SoS engine predicts
clinical outcomes more accurately,
with proven accuracy > 94%.

Save Patient Volunteers Lives and reduce risk of injury > 50%

By enabling more precise and informed predictions of clinical trials outcomes, we significantly reduce the number of subjects required in clinical trials by 80%, while reducing adverse events by 50%

Product & Services

Pre- Clinical Services

Praedicare Engine uses hollow-fiber models for many different diseases and toxicity with 3D human organ disease models from primary cells. Our next-gen automated lab systems can process millions of data points with minimal personnel.

Mathematical Modeling, Translation, and AI-Powered Clinical Trials Predictions

Our mathematical models, trained on extensive wet lab and clinical databases, use AI to predict clinical trial outcomes with 94% accuracy, thereby optimizing trials design and outcomes.

Innovative & Revolutionary Drug Development with Predictive AI

Praedicare is the pioneer in leveraging state-of-the-art AI to predict Phase III outcomes pre-clinically, saving immense time and resources. Our technology is uniquely validated to replace animal testing under the FDA Modernization Act 2.0.

Explore Our Impact

Using non-linear science, we pioneer the future of AI-driven drug development and achieve 94%+ accuracy in predicting clinical outcomes.

Pharma Partnerships
Projects impacted
Years of Impact

All in One Collaborations


We prioritize Strategic partnerships
at the core of our approaches.


Seeking Partnerships with
Strategic and Financial Investors

Case Studies

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27 Years of Leadership in Lab Systems and 27 Years in the Use of AI in the Clinic and Lab

Praedicare has pioneered the mathematical integration of wet lab models, AI, and digital twins to transform drug development.

Debt Management Plan

First physical wet laboratory systems modeling disease

Debt Management Plan

Basic computational models to supplement wet lab physical experiments

Debt Management Plan

Hollow fiber models of tuberculosis

Debt Management Plan

More advanced wet laboratory systems capable of simulating multiple disease states

Debt Management Plan

Use of fractal geometry and chaos theory to model disease progression and PKs

Debt Management Plan

Achieved over 94% predictive accuracy in clinical trial outcomes, setting new standards for drug development

Debt Management Plan

AI predictive models to integrate data from physical laboratory systems, ‘omics, toxicology, and clinical data

Debt Management Plan

Digital twins for wet lab systems, enhancing predictive capabilities and predictive accuracy

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Sophisticated AI algorithms using mathematics to model human physiological responses dynamically

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Addition of new disease states to the wet lab systems, broadening potential drug targets

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Modification of Poincare’s equation for new dynamical sink models for spatiotemporal histopathology

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Use of category theory and topology for translation from lab to clinic

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HIgh Fidelity Digital twins with real-time data syncing, allowing for immediate feedback and iterative testing cycles

Debt Management Plan

Full integration and automation of physical wet lab systems, digital twins, and AI into a cohesive platform, providing a multi-dimensional approach to drug development, a System of Systems Engine for Drug Development

Debt Management Plan

Launch of next-generation AI models that simulate entire life cycles of virtual patients from birth to disease onset, significantly improving the precision of drug impact predictions, Virtual AI Clinical Models

Meet Our Experts

Tawanda Gumbo

World-renowned physician-scientist who developed disease models, AI, and patents. 200+ publications, extensive NIH, and industry funding. Pioneer of hollow fiber systems and use of AI in drug development.

M. Johnson Kachidza

Serial entrepreneur and inventor. Built $200M+ IT services firm. Acquired, operated and exited multiple businesses valued over $600M+ in technology and energy. Former investment banker. GE Patent Holder.

Chief Marketing Officer
Rachael Sparks

Former Corporate Spokesperson at Xenex Disinfection Service and Vice President of Marketing at Angelina Pharma. Business and Public Relations Consultant in the biotech sector.

MD, PhD, Chief Scientific Officer& Coo
Moti Chapagain

Virology and parasitology expert. Dozens of high-impact papers on human viruses. Pioneer in viral disease models and biomarker discovery.

PhD, Chief AI Modeling Officer
Gesham Magombedze

Leader in AI/mathematical modeling for infectious disease. Professor at Texas Tech, Baylor, and Senior Scientist at Gilead Sciences.

MD, Chief Business Development
Wesley Marshall

Physician entrepreneur spanning medicine, energy, IT, and finance. Founded a successful helium company. Early JAMA author.

Transform the Way You Predict Outcomes

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Our dedication to innovation and relentless pursuit of excellence empowers Us achieve unparalleled results with confidence.

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